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Paul Goodison: Back in action

A Yacht Racing Life Podcast interview

British Olympic gold medallist and America’s Cup sailor Paul Goodison returns for his second appearance on the Yacht Racing Life Podcast.

Goodison needs very little introduction to most sailing fans. He is an Olympic gold medal winner in the Laser class, a three time Moth world champion and a veteran now of three America’s Cup campaigns – the latest of which was his second go around with the New York Yacht Club’s American Magic syndicate at the 37th Cup in Barcelona last year.

Sadly things did not go as planned for him, as a serious accident aboard the American AC75 after racing early in the competition – in which he broke five ribs – ruled him out of any further participation. Despite this setback he was quickly back at the American Magic base doing whatever he could to help the team’s progress through the Louis Vuitton Cup Challenger Series.

The interview features some fantastic insider insight into American Magic’s Barcelona campaign – including Goodison's working and personal relationship with co-helmsman and previous fierce Olympic rival, Tom Slingsby – but begins with an update on his recovery and an explanation of exactly how the accident happened.

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